The Smarty PANCE community is the perfect place to enhance your learning, share ideas, and connect in a safe and supportive learning environment with other PA students and PA professionals from across the country.
😀 It's 100% FREE!
🦾 Daily PANCE/PANRE and EOR Blueprint multiple choice questions.
🤝 Optional group coaching and office hours - learn from the best teachers in the business.
🗓 Biweekly virtual meetings and Q&A webinars where you can ask questions and receive expert advice from certified PA educators and professionals.
👥 Groups organized to share and learn from others' experiences and connect with other members who can offer support and guidance as you navigate PA school and the PA profession.
💜 A safe, private community forum where you can post, ask questions, share your story, and build a community of support.
📚 Curated resources, including Anki decks, book lists, favorite podcasts, playlists, and more.
🌎 The opportunity to easily meet PA students and practicing PAs near you, so you can build a squad of trusted friends in your area.
Build up your confidence before sitting down to take your exams
💺 Accelerator courses where you can accelerate your learning in rotations such as emergency medicine, pediatrics, women's health, and more!
💼 Mentor office hours where you can get book free time with any of our wonderful mentors.